研究了玉米间作针叶豌豆在垄作栽培和传统平作栽培方式下,对土壤温度、水分、作物产量及水分利用效率的影响。结果表明, 垄作栽培5~25 cm土层的日均地温较平作栽培提高0.92 ℃,随土层的加深,土壤增温效果呈现先增后减的趋势。垄作栽培土壤含水量及储水量高于平作栽培19.1 g/kg和315 m3/hm2。垄作栽培在灌水量比平作减少1 200 m3/hm2的条件下,两种作物的混合产量为16 895.3 kg/hm2,增产达14.97%;水分利用效率为26.61 kg/(hm2·mm),节水1 268.4 m3/hm2。从增产节水的角度来看,玉米间作针叶豌豆垄作栽培模式明显优于平作栽培模式。
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The effects of corn and pea intercropping with rigde and flat planting on soil temperature, soil water, yield and water use efficiency(WUE) were studied in the field .The results revealed that daily average soil temperature in 5~25 cm soil layer under raised bed planting increased 0.92 ℃ and temperature increasing effects decreased as soil layer deepened .The soil water content and water storage of bed planting was increased 19.1 g/kg and 315 m3/hm2 than flat planting . The yield and WUE of bed planting reached 16 895.3 kg/hm2 and 26.61 kg/(hm2 ·mm) and increased 14.97% and 37.99% compared to flat planting .The ridge tillage saved irrigation water of 1 268.4 m3/hm2 and became new intercropping system .