在当归主产区岷县,试验观测了施用当归专用肥对当归产量和品质的影响。结果表明,基施当归专用肥1 050 kg/hm2可有效改善当归根部形态,提高当归产量和品质,增加当归种植收益。当归平均折合产量为 2 395.38 kg/hm2,较等纯养分量的常规施肥处理增产19.86%;当归阿魏酸含量、挥发油含量、75%乙醇浸出物含量分别较常规施肥处理增加0.013、0.090、1.410百分点;纯收益较常规施肥处理增加23 972.2元/hm2。
[Key word]
The effect of Angelica sinensis special fertilizer on yield and quality in minxian of the Angelica sinensis main producing areas was observed. The results indicated that the Angelica sinensis special fertilizer can effectively improve root morphology, raise yield and quality of Angelica sinensis under the one-time base fertilizer 1 050 kg/hm2 . The Angelica sinensis average yield was 2 395.38 kg/hm2, the average yield, the ferulic acid content, the volatile oil content, the 75% ethanol extract content, net income increased by 19.86%, 0.013 percentage points, 0.090 percentage points, 1.410 percentage points and 2 3972.2 yuan/hm2 compared to the same pure nutrients amount of conventional fertilizer.
甘肃省中药材产业科技攻关项目“道地药材当归、党参缓释专用肥研究与示范”( GYC11-06)部分内容