甘丰12号是以自交系J3011为母本、自交系CW0387为父本选育而成的黄瓜一代杂种。在2008 — 2009年的区域试验中,甘丰12号平均折合前期产量为12 221.2 kg/hm2,较对照品种津优2号减产0.9%;平均折合总产量为102 031.0 kg/hm2,较对照品种津优2号增产17.2%。瓜条长棒状,平均瓜长31 cm,平均瓜条直径3.4 cm,果形指数9.3,平均瓜把长4.0 cm,平均单瓜重210 g。瓜条顺直,中瘤密刺中棱,皮色深绿无黄条纹,食用风味中上。水分含量95.3%,可溶性固形物含量33.0 g/kg,可溶性糖含量21.1 g/kg,Vc含量99.8 mg/kg。中抗霜霉病、白粉病,高抗枯萎病。适宜甘肃省皋兰县、白银市、天水市、武威市等地及气候类型相似地区日光温室和塑料大棚栽培。
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Ganfeng 12 was a new cucumber variety bred by crossing with the parental combination of an inbred line J3011/ CW0387 . The average conversion yield of Ganfeng 12 was 12 221.2 kg/hm2 and 0.9% higher than of the check Jinyou 2, and the average total yield was 102 031.0 kg/hm2 and 17.2% higher than of the check Jinyou 2 which was conducted during the period 2008 —2009 in the the regional test . The results showed that Ganfeng 12 was the fruit clavate, the average fruit length was 31 cm, the average diameter of fruit was 3.4 cm, fruit shape index was 9.3, the average fruit stalk length was 4.0 cm, the average single fruit weighs was 210 g, and fruit straight, dense stabbed in tumor edge, dark green and no yellow stripe, edible flavor . The content of cucumber moisture of Ganfeng 12 was 95.3%, the content of soluble solids was 33.0 g/kg, content of soluble sugar was 21.1 g/kg, the content of Vc was 99.8 mg/kg, The results also indicated that Ganfeng 12 was moderate resistance to downy mildew, powdery mildew, and high resistance to fusarium wilt . It is stuitable to plant in the regions of Gaolan county, Baiyin city, Tianshui city, Wuwei City, and the sunlight greenhouse and plastic greenhouse of climate simila area .