对酒泉市肃州区总寨镇沙河村戈壁滩非耕地新型日光温室辣椒冬季生长期室内温度进行测定,结果表明, 12月份与翌年1月份是温度最低月份,平均温度为14.00 ℃左右,其中旬平均温度以12月下旬与翌年1月上旬最低,为12.00 ℃左右。冬季极端低温出现在12月20日至翌年1月5日,白天平均13.00 ℃,夜间平均8.00 ℃,最低温度4.00~5.00℃。可根据以上结果合理安排蔬菜作物种植茬口及温室内的温湿度管理。
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The temperature of new greenhouse on gobi desert was investigated during crop growth time in winter . The results shows that December and January were the month with lowest temperature, and the average temperature was 14 ℃ . The extremely low temperature was coming at the last ten days of December and the first five days of January, the average temperature was only 13 ℃ in daytime and 8 ℃ in night, the lowest temperature was 4.00~5.00 ℃ .