以玉米杂交种富农1号、郑单958和辽单565成熟鲜果穗(籽粒含水量分别为150~200 g/kg、200~250 g/kg、250~300 g/kg)为材料,在0 ℃、-5 ℃、-10 ℃、-15 ℃、-20 ℃、-25 ℃的低温下分别处理8 h,研究了低温冻害对不同含水量玉米种子生长发育的影响。结果表明,受低温冻害的玉米种子其根数明显减少,主根长、株高、地下及地上干物质含量均显著下降。当种子含水量高于200 g/kg,温度降至0 ℃时就会影响幼苗根数、主根长及株高;温度降至-5 ℃时幼苗根系生长受抑,地上部分的干物质含量积累减少,生长缓慢,长势弱。种子含水量高于250 g/kg,温度降至-15 ℃时,幼苗根系缩短变粗,出现畸形;温度降至-25 ℃时玉米种子发芽后出现有芽无根或者有根无芽现象。
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The mature fresh ears (grain moisture150~200 g/kg、 200~250 g/kg、 250~300 g/kg) of corn(Zea mays L .) of Funong 1, Zhengdan 958 and Liaodan 565 were used as experimental material . The growth of seedlings were studied after treating with low temperature of 0 ℃,-5 ℃,-10 ℃,-15 ℃,-20 ℃,-25 ℃ and duration time of 8 Hrs under the given grain moisture . The results shows that the roots number, taproots length, plant height, underground biomass and aboveground biomass of the maize seedlings decreased significantly after treating with different low temperature . When the grain moisture was higher than 200 g/kg and the temperature dropped to 0 ℃, the roots number, taproots length and plant height of the seedlings would be affected harmfully; when the temperature dropped to-5 ℃, growth of the root was bated, the accumulation of aboveground biomass reduced, seedlings growed slowly and weakly . When the grain moisture was higher than 250 g/kg, and the temperature was lower than-15 ℃, the roots of seedlings became shorter, thicker and deformity; when the temperature dropped to-25 ℃, after germination, the seeds would be no roots with bud or no bud with roots .