2010 — 2013年在庄浪县进行的砂田甜瓜套作向日葵系统的养分利用研究的结果表明,无论在甜瓜的初花期、座果期、膨大期套作食葵或油葵,套作系统比单作明显提高了作物的吸氮量、吸磷量和吸钾量。氮吸收量比单作增加50%~59% ,磷吸收量比单作增加12%~41% ,钾吸收量比单作增加33%~68%。
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We explored the investigation into nutrient utilization of melon/sunflower intercropping system in the period 2013—2014 at Zhuanglang county . The results shows that the intercropping edible sunflower and oil sunflower at the melon beginning flower, fruiting, expanding period, the bsorption of nitrogen, phosphorus uptake and potassium uptake of interplanting system were more than monoculture system . Compared with the monoculture, the absorption of nitrogen in the interplanting system improved 50%~59%, the potassium uptake increased 12%~41%, and the potassium uptake enhanced 33%~68% .
甘肃省旱作区水资源高效利用重点实验室基金项目“基于质能守恒理论的砂田土壤水肥热传递规律研究”(HNSJJ-2012)、 甘肃省科技支撑项目“黄土丘陵沟壑区(庄浪)梯田沙覆盖节水高效种植技术研究与示范”(11304ZACA151)”部分内容