以白菜型冬油菜天油8号为指示品种,在天水市半干旱山区进行了不同有机肥无机肥配施对冬油菜经济性状及产量的影响研究。结果表明,以施干基鸡粪7 500 kg/hm2、N 150 kg/hm2、P2O5 75 kg/hm2、K2O 75 kg/ hm2处理的效果最好,其生育期最长,为293 d,较对照(不施肥)延长11 d;经济性状最优,籽粒折合产量和秸秆折合产量最高,分别为2 576.05、6 204.50 kg/hm2,较对照分别增产551.92%、451.66%。该配施水平是天水市半干旱山区冬油菜高产高效生产的最佳施肥配比。
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Using the AMMI model, through analyzing the yield and stability production of the 8 Codonopsis species varieties in 4 main producing areas of Dingxi city . The results shows that the high yield and of Weidang 3, DSZX02-01, Weidang 1 is the best . The high yield of DSA06-01、 DSN04-013 is the best, but the yield stability is the worse, the yield stability of Weidang 2, DSZJ03-01 and DSA06-02 is the better, but the high yield is general . The pilot discrimination from big to small order of Maquan Xiang, Shouyang of Longxi county, Xinzhai town of Weiyuan county, Hetuo township of Minxian county .
“十二五”国家科技支撑计划“中低产田障碍因子消减与地力提升共性关键技术研究”(2012BAD05B06);甘肃省农业科学院农业科技创新专项“创新基地土壤肥料长期定位试验科研协作网建设 ”(2013GAAS12) 部分内容