2015年4月12 — 19日对甘肃陇南地区及四川省、陕西省相关地区的小麦条锈病春季流行情况进行了实地调查。结果表明:各地条锈病发生程度不同,总体平均病田率54.73%,病叶率22.49%,病叶反应型为3~4级。其中甘肃省平均病田率41.90%,平均病叶率3.40%;四川省平均病田率95.65%,平均病叶率40.54%;陕西省平均病田率75%,平均病叶率14.46%。预计2015年甘肃省天水地区小麦条锈病中度偏重发生,需做好小麦条锈病的及时防控工作。
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The spring epidemic situation of wheat stripe rust in Longnan of Gansu province, Sichuan province, and Shaanxi province from July 12 to 19 in 2015. The result shows that the incidence of stripe rust is different, the overall average diseased field rate is 54.73%, the diseased leaf rate is 22.49%, and the leaf reactive type is 3 to 4 grade. The average diseased field rate in Gansu province is 41.90%, the average diseased leaf rate is 3.40%; the average rate of the disease in Sichuan province is 95.65%, the average diseased leaf rate is 40.54%; the average disease field rate in Shaanxi province is 75%, the average diseased leaf rate is 14.46%. Promisingly will tend to occur heavenly of wheat stripe rust in Tianshui province of Gansu province in 2015, need to do a good job in the prevention and control of wheat stripe rust.