采用走访和实地调查相结合的方法,对甘肃“和尚头”小麦的分布、生长环境、特征特性、生存现状和开发利用前景进行了调查。结果表明:“和尚头”小麦是分布在兰州市、白银市海拔1 700~2 400 m的区域,具有抗旱性强、耐瘠薄、耐盐碱、耐深播等特点,而且面粉品质好、面条筋道适口,是高效益、低成本、无污染的绿色食品,市场需求量大、前景广阔。
[Key word]
Using the visits and field survey method, the distribution, growing environment, characteristics, the survival of the status quo and development utilization prospect were investigated in Gansu“heshangtou” wheat. The result shows that “Heshangtou” wheat is distributed in the area of Lanzhou, Baiyin City, of around 1 700 m to 2 400 m elevation, it has the characteristics of drought resistance, barren resistance, salt tolerance, deep seeding tolerance etc., and good quality flour, noodle taste, high efficiency, low cost, pollution-free green food, the large amount of market demand and broad prospects.