为了解决陇中黄土高原地区长期传统耕作引起的耕地质量下降问题,在黄土高原半干旱区研究了不同耕作措施下豌豆的出苗情况、不同生育时期土壤水分的垂直分布、耗水量及水分利用效率和产量效应。结果表明,保护性耕作能够显著改善 0~200 cm 土层土壤的贮水量及含水量,随着降水量的增多土壤对降水的保蓄能力增强。2015年试验区降水充沛,免耕地膜覆盖更具优势,免耕覆膜处理的小麦产量较传统耕作提高了11.64%。耕层土壤水分因受降水等因素的影响而变化剧烈,0~30 cm土层豌豆全生育期内免耕覆膜处理、覆草免耕处理的含水量分别较传统耕作有所增加,耕层以下土壤水分变幅相对较小。播种期、5叶期及收获期土壤具有较高含水量,而开花期土壤含水量则较低。与传统耕作相比,保护性耕作中的传统耕作覆盖地膜处理、免耕覆膜处理、覆草免处理耕处理使土壤水分利用效率明显提高,分别较传统耕作不覆盖处理提高了7.1%、5.8%、3.6%。说明在2015年降水条件下,实施地膜覆盖或者免耕秸秆覆盖有利于豌豆高效利用水分及高产。
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In order to solve cultivated land quality problems caused by the traditional farming for a long time in the loess plateau area, this experiment mainly studied the pea under different cultivation measures of seedling emergence, the vertical distribution of soil moisture at different development stages, water consumption and water use efficiency and yield effect in the loess plateau. The result shows that conservation tillage can significantly improve the 0 ~ 200 cm soil layer soil water storage and water content, along with the increase in precipitation in soil cover of precipitation increase storage capacity in 2015. Arable layer soil moisture due to precipitation change, Zero till membrane covering the NTP yield than traditional farming T increased by 11.64%. the influence of such factors as top layer soil moisture under variable amplitude is relatively small. 0 ~ 30 cm water content of soil peas full reproductive period the NTP, NTS, respectively, much more than traditional farming T, Seeding time, five leaf stage and harvest the soil with high water content, while flowering period of soil water content is low. Compared with conventional tillage, conservation tillage in the NTP, NTS, TP deal with soil water use efficiency increased significantly, T increased by 7.1%、 5.8%、 3.6%, respectively. The result indicates that the implementation of the plastic film mulch or zero tillage straw for peas, efficient use of water and high yield under the condition of precipitation in 2015.