在日光温室早春茬栽培条件下,以小型西瓜抗裂京欣为试材,探索不同水肥处理对产量及产量构成因素的影响。结果表明,滴灌比传统膜下沟灌可节水40%,滴灌灌水定额1 800 m3/hm2左右,施N 136.8 kg/hm2、P2O5 86.4 kg/hm2、K2O 1 908 kg/hm2时,水分利用效率高,西瓜折合产量51 729.0 kg/hm2。西瓜茎粗、根系干质量与产量之间的单相关系数均达显著水平,可作为评价小型西瓜高产的单个因素。
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This experiment is conducted in greenhouse in the early spring using seeded watermelon Jingxin as testing material,to explore the path analysis of yield components and effects of different water and fertilizer on yield of watermelon in greenhouse. The result shows that compared to conventional furrow, drip irrigation can be saving 40% water; 1 800 m3/hm2 water and N 136.8 kg/hm2、 P2O5 86.4 kg/hm2、 K2O 190.8 kg/hm2 under drip irrigation are recommended for mini-watermelon in greenhouse in the early spring, yield is 51 729.0 kg/hm2; The correlation coefficient between stem diameter and yield and root dry weight reached significant level. The stem diameter and root dry weight can be used as evaluation indexes.
国家引智项目“日光温室蔬菜优质高效品种引进与轻便化栽培技术创新”(G20156200089);酒泉市科技重大专项“节能日光温室智能控制及精准栽培技术研究与示范”(2015 — 2017)部分内容。