在旱地全膜覆土穴播栽培条件下,对引进的5个大豆品种进行了品比试验。结果表明,中黄42号、冀豆17、中黄41号3个品种综合性状好,适应性强,平均折合产量分别为4 333.3、4 222.2、4 111.1 kg/hm2,较对照品种晋豆19分别增产20.0%、16.9%、13.8%,适宜在陇东地区旱地全膜覆土穴播种植。
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We conducts the comparision experiment on six introduced new cultivars of hole sowing soybean mulched with plastic film in east gansu province. The result shows that Zhonghuang 42, Jidou 17 and Zhonghuang 41which three cultivars of soybean have vigorous growth, good shape, strong adaptility and high production, and that the averige yield of the cultivars reaches 4 333.5 kg/hm2、 4 222.5 kg/hm2 and 4 111.5 kg/hm2, which is 20.0%, 16.9% and 13.9% higher than that of the check Jindou 19. It is suitable to be grown in East Gansu province using hole sowing soybean mulched with plastic film.