采用3S技术、野外实地考察与测量等方法,结合土壤、农业、土地利用、土地整治、生态环境保护等资料,综合考虑区位、交通等开发条件,构建自然-生态适宜性评价指标体系,采用限制性评价指标法开展古浪县耕地后备资源的调查与评价。结果发现:古浪县共有未利用地182 155.00 hm2,可开垦的易耕性土地15 878.29 hm2,占全县未利用土地资源的8.73%;后备资源中可开垦的其他草地和沙地规模占绝大多数,为总规模的97.88%。建议统筹考虑古浪县石羊河流域、北部沙漠区的生态效益,结合水利、农业、林业等规划编制耕地后备资源开发利用专项规划,以避免盲目开发利用。在耕地开发利用过程中应配套采取工程、生物、节水等技术,要加强区域综合治理的力度,提高开发耕地的利用效率。
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Under the support of 3S technology(remote sensing,geography information systems and global positioning systems),field research and survey, this paper evaluate the quantity and quality of reserve cultivated land resources in Gulang county by constructing nature and ecological suitability system which are derived from soil investigation, agriculture census, land use surveying,land consolidation, and ecological environmental protection data. The result shows that the total area of unused land resources is about 182 155.00 hectare and arable land is 15 878.29, accounting for 8.73% of the county's unused land resources. In those arable land,other grassland and the sand are in wide range,which is accounting for 97.88%. It is suggestion that we should prepare the exploitation and utilization planning for reserve cultivated land resources according to ecosystem services value of cultivated land, and take the engineering technology, biotechnology to strengthen the regional cultivated land comprehensive regulation, improve the utilization efficiency of cultivated land in the future.