天椒18号是天水市农业科学研究所利用日光温室加代选育和病圃选择,对甘谷线椒进行提纯复壮而选育出的加工型辣椒新品种。在2014 — 2015 年的多点试验中,天椒18号2 a 12(点)次平均折合干椒产量 5 104.50 kg/hm2,较对照品种甘谷线椒增产13.7%。天椒18号为早中熟制干辣线椒,始花节位11~12节,平均果长21.8 cm,果径2.15 cm,果肉厚0.13 cm,平均单果重13.8 g。红熟果深红色,果面微皱,辣味强。适宜在甘肃省天水市及气候条件相近地区栽培。
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Tianjiao 18 is a newly bred pepper cultivar used breeding and nursery selection in sunlight greenhouse by Tianshui Institute of Agricultural Sciences. In 2014 — 2015, the average yield reaches 5 104.50 kg/hm2, which is 13.7% higher than that of the check Ganguxianjiao in the multi point test. The result shows that Tianjiao 18 is a early and medium mature pepper cultivar, the initial node of the flower bud is 11~12 knots, the average length of fruit is 21.8 cm, fruit diameter is 2.15 cm, pulp thickness is 0.13 cm, the average weight is 13.8 g. The color of red ripe fruit is deep red, fruit surface have slightly wrinkled, peppery taste is hot. It is suitable to be grown the in Tianshui city of Gansu province and similar climatic conditions.