在兰州市皋兰县城关镇明星村(海拔1 754 m)、榆中县城关镇李家庄(海拔1 879 m)和永登县柳树镇柳树村 (海拔2 032 m)不同海拔条件下,以玉米/大豆带状复合种植模式为研究对象,3个紧凑型玉米品种(巡天1102、金穗3号和龙源3号)和6个熟期接近的大豆品种(系)(冀豆17、中黄30、齐黄36、陇黄2号、晋豆19和XD2015-6)为试验材料,采用单因素随机区组设计,筛选兰州市不同海拔条件下适宜于机械化作业的玉米、大豆间作品种,以期提高生产效率和经济效益。试验结果表明,因生育特性的差异,各品种农艺性状及产量在不同海拔条件下不同,间作玉米品种金穗3号在皋兰、榆中和永登表现均最好,产量平均分别为12 561.8 kg/hm2、11 954.3 kg/hm2和11 011.8 kg/hm2,间作大豆品种晋豆19在皋兰和榆中产量最高,分别为1 941.7 kg/hm2和1 691.7 kg/hm2;中黄30和XD2015-6在较高海拔的永登县则表现较好,产量分别是1 523.1、1 505.2 kg/hm2。综合考虑玉米、大豆适宜机械收获的农艺指标及产值和效益,建议在该区域选用玉米品种金穗3号和大豆品种中黄30或XD2015-6间作组合较好。
[Key word]
Under corn /soybean intercropping system, using 3 compact-type corn cultivars (Xuntian 1102, Jinsui 3 and Longyuan 3), and 6 soybean cultivars(Jidou 17, Zhonghuang 30, Qihuang 36, Longhuang 2, Jindou 19 and XD2015-6), single radom-plot design is conducted to screen suitable corn and soybean cultivars for corn /soybean intercropping system in different altitudes in Lanzhou city. The result indicates that the yield of Jinsui 3 in Gaolan, Yuzhong and Yongdeng are higher than Xuntin 1102 and Longyuan 3, which are 12 561.8 kg/hm2, 11 954.3 kg/hm2 and 1101.8 kg/hm2, respectively. For the soybean cultivars, the yield of Jindou 19 in Gaolan and Yuzhong are higher than other soybean cultivars, which are 1 941.7 kg/ hm2 and 1 691.7 kg/hm2, respectively. The yield of Zhonghuang 30 and XD2015-6 are higher in yongdeng, which are 1 523.1 kg/hm2 and 1 505.2 kg/hm2, respectively. Take main economic characters and agronomic traits for mechanical work, corn cultivars Jinsui 3 and soybean cultivars Zhonghuang 30, XD2015-6 are the moderate system which can be extentioned in Gansu irrigation districts along Yellow River. The high yield of crop production can be got by improving the photo syrathetic.
兰州市农业科技专项(2015-3-37),甘肃省农业科学院中青年基金(2015GAAS20) ,国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-04-CES17)。