应用土地当量比、产量当量、产值当量等不同量化指标,对甘肃沿黄灌区马铃薯套作大豆产出效果进行分析,通过测定薯豆套作复合群体光合参数、土壤养分、微生物数量及作物品质及调查间套作系统中杂草生长状况等,研究马铃薯间套作大豆的生理效应及微生态效益。结果表明, 马铃薯套作大豆的模式(薯/豆)显著提高了日照利用率、≥10 ℃温度利用率、绿色期降水利用率及地面覆盖期利用率,可提高土地复种指数及土地利用率,具有良好的产出效果,单位面积产量间作当量比、产值间作当量比分别为1.53和1.49。由于马铃薯对氮素和钾素吸收量大,而大豆对磷素比较敏感,马铃薯/大豆套作模式具有很强的养分吸收互补特性,可显著提高作物对养分资源的高效利用,降低化肥施用量。马铃薯/大豆连续套作可提高土壤有机质含量、促进土壤微生物活性和酶活性,有效改善土壤微生物结构,在一定程度上缓解了马铃薯连作障碍;还能降低马铃薯淀粉含量,极显著降低还原糖的含量,提高商品薯率、维生素C和蛋白质含量。马铃薯套作大豆栽培模式实现了土地、劳动力、土壤养分和水热资源在时间和空间上的集约化利用,具有提高土地产出量及可持续利用性的优势,同时能适应机械化作业,显著提高生产效率,适宜在西北沿黄灌区大面积示范推广。
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Field experiments are conducted in Northwest irrigation districts along Yellow river from 2013 to 2016. The concept related to yield equivalent and value of output equivalent is proposed, using various quantitative standards such as land equivalent ratio, yield equivalent, and value of output equivalent, the efficiency and the economic benefit. The physiological effect and micro ecological benefit on photosynthetic properties, soil microorganism populations, crop quality and weed control in intercropping systems are studied systematically. Early potato and soybean intercropping could significantly improve illumination effective utilization, ≥10 ℃ temperature effective utilization, rainfall effective utilization during green period and ground cover effective utilization. Intercropping significantly improved the land use efficiency, the unit area yield and the unit area value are 1.53 and 1.49 times of sole cropping. Intercropping also significantly improved soil microbial structure and crop quality, and therefore alleviated the obstacles of continuous cropping. Early potato and soybean intercropping is an effective cultivation method with great ecological and economic benefits. In addition to Labor, soil, heat and water resource intensively utilizing temporally and spatially, Early potato and soybean intercropping could increase the crop yield per unit area greatly, which could be extended at large scale.