在庆阳市西峰区对5个饲用甜高粱品种进行了品比试验。结果表明, BJ0603、绿巨人的产量与品质表现较好,鲜草产量分别为107.75、99.80 t/hm2,干草产量分别为24.08、21.53 t/hm2,鲜干比分别为4.49、4.63,茎叶比分别为0.69、0.60,适合在当地种植。
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The comparative trial of five forage sorghum cultivars was conducted in Xifeng District of Qingyang City. The results showed that BJ0603 and Lüjuren have high yields and qualities, The fresh grass yields and hay yields are 107.75 t/hm2, 99.80 t/hm2 and 24.08 t/hm2, 21.53 t/hm2, respectively. The fresh-dry ratios are 4.49 and 4.63, the stem-leaf ratios reached 0.69 and 0.60, respectively. They are suitable to be grown in the local area.