彩色冬小麦新品种陇紫麦2号是平凉市农业科学院选用外引黑小麦品种漯珍1号做母本,以自育品种平凉40号为父本杂交,按系谱法水旱协迫选育而成。2014 — 2016年甘肃省陇东片冬小麦区试平均产量4 572.00 kg/hm2,比对照品种陇育4号减产1.2%。陇紫麦2号生育期273 d,千粒重37.7 g,株高86.8~104.6 cm,籽粒紫黑色,穗长7.5 cm,小穗数16.4个,穗粒数34.7粒。苗期对混合菌免疫,成株期条中32号、中4-1、G22-9、G22-14和混合菌均表现免疫,条中33号为3/10/20,贵农其他菌系为3/10/50,田间表现高抗条锈病,中抗叶锈病和白粉病。籽粒粗蛋白含量140.3 g/kg,赖氨酸含量0.42 mg/kg,湿面筋(14%湿基)32.1%,沉淀指数(14%湿基)24.2 mL,容重747.3 g/L;17种氨基酸含量为140.1 g/kg。适宜在甘肃省陇东山塬旱地、丘陵干旱山区和阴湿山区,以及陕西长武陇县,宁夏固原等周边类似地区种植。
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Longzimai 2 is a new color winter wheat cultivar, bred by Pingliang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, by using pedigree method under water stress, with combination of introduced black wheat Luozhen 1 as female parent and self-raised Pingliang 40 as the male parent. In 2014 — 2016, the average yield was 4 572.00 kg/hm2, 1.2% lower than the control Longyu 4 in East Gansu Winter Wheat Regional Test. The growth period was 273 days, 1000-grain weight was 37.7 g, plant height was 86.8~104.6 cm, grain color was purple-black, spike length was 7.5 cm, spikelet number was 16.4, and grain number per panicle was 34.7. It was immune to mixed bacteria at seedling stage, immune to CY 32, Zhong 4-1, G22-9, G22-14 and mixed bacteria at adult stage. The infection type/severity/percentage of CY 33 and other strains of Guinong were 3/10/20, 3/10/50 respectively. It was high resistant to stripe rust, moderate resistant to leaf rust and powdery mildew in the field. The crude protein content, lysine content, wet gluten (14% wet base), sedimentation index (14% wet base) and bulk density of grains were 140.3 g/kg, 0.42 mg/kg, 32.1%, 24.2 mL, 747.3 g/L and 140.1 g/kg respectively. It is suitable to be grown in dry land, hilly arid mountainous area and humid mountainous area of Mountain Plateau in East Gansu, and similar ecological regions in Changwu County and Longxian of Shaanxi Province and Guyuan of Ningxia.