在镇原县对引进的6个饲用玉米品种从全株产量、农艺性状、青贮后营养品质等方面进行比较。结果表明,饲用玉米品种金岭1630全株产量最高,可达23.1 t/hm2,农艺性状优良,青贮后粗蛋白含量74.1 g/kg、粗脂肪含量19.5 g/kg、初水分含量700.3 g/kg,营养品质较高,综合表现优于其余品种,可作为陇东区域种植的首选饲用玉米品种。
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Six feeding corn cultivars were compared in terms of yield, agronomic traits and nutritional quality after silage in Zhenyuan County. The results showed that Jinling 1630 has the highest yield, reaching 23.1 t/hm2, and excellent agronomic characters. After silage, the crude protein content is 74.1 g/kg, the crude fat content is 19.5 g/kg and the initial water content is 700.3 g/kg, and has higher nutritional quality and better comprehensive performance than other corn cultivars. It can be used as the preferred feeding corn cultivar in Longdong region.