豌豆新品系08-20是以青英1号为母本、宝丰5号为父本杂交,经系统选育而成。在白银地区进行的多点区域试验中,平均折合产量为4 822.2 kg/hm2,较对照品种中豌6号增产24.04%。生育期约105 d,株高适中,颗粒绿色,百粒重23.0 g。籽粒含粗蛋白质212 g/kg、粗脂肪13.5 g/kg 、粗淀粉508 g/kg、赖氨酸12.6 g/kg。白粉病田间病株率3.82 %、病情指数0.71。属中早熟品种(系),株型紧凑,抗倒伏能力和抗病性较强,适宜于灌区和半干旱地区及生态条件相似地区种植。
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08-20 is a new pea line, was hybridized with Qingying 1 as the female parent and Baofeng 5 as the male parent. It was systematically selected and bred. In the multi-site regional test in Baiyin area, the average yield was 4 822.2 kg/hm2, which was 24.04% higher than that of the control Zhongwan 6. The growth period was about 105 d, the plant height was moderate, the grain was green, and the weight of 100 grains was 23.0 g. The grains contained crude protein was 212 g/kg, crude fat was 13.5 g/kg, crude starch was 508 g/kg and lysine was 12.6 g/kg. The disease plant rate and disease index of powdery mildew in the field were 3.82% and 0.71, respectively. It is a medium and early maturing cultivar(line) with compact plant type, strong lodging resistance and disease resistance. It is suitable to grow in irrigated areas, semi-arid areas and similar ecological conditions.