红竹 2 号是以小披针紫叶莴笋红竹为母本,以圆叶绿莴笋15Q19为父本进行有性杂交,通过多年定向选择育成的耐抽薹紫莴笋新品种。该品种为中晚熟品种,植株生长势强,无莲座期,耐抽薹,抗病。春季栽培从定植至采收初期89 d,抽薹期94 d,比对照品种晚抽薹11 d。肉质茎长棒型,叶型椭圆形,叶紫红,茎皮紫斑明显,肉质茎翠绿,香味浓郁、品质优良。平均单株重0.9 kg。适宜在甘肃省兰州、榆中、永登、天祝、永昌等地以及相同气候区域春秋季露地种植。
[Key word]
Hongzhu 2 is a new bolting-resistant red asparagus lettuce cultivar, bred by combination of Hongzhu as the female parent with red leaf and 15Q19 as the male parent with green leaf. The cultivar has medium-late maturity, strong growing potential, no rosette stage, resistance to bolting and disease. The growth period is 89 days, bolting period is 94 days in spring sowing, which is later 11 days than check cultivar. Hongzhu 2 has long stick type stem, elliptic and red leaf, red stem bark and green fleshy stem, aromatic flavor and excellent quality. The average weight of a single plant is about 0.9 kg, which is suitable for open field planting in spring and autumn sowing in Lanzhou, Yuzhong, Yongdeng, Tianzhu, Yongchang and other places with the same climate area.
甘肃省科技重大专项计划(17ZD2NA015-04);甘肃省农业科学院中青年基金(2017GAAS78);农业部园艺作物生物学与种质创制西北地区观测试验站项目资助 (2015-A2621-620321-G1203-066)。