以马铃薯品种青薯9号为指示品种,在定西旱作区利用光-生物降解膜进行马铃薯不同种植模式比较试验。结果表明,大垄微沟覆膜种植的马铃薯折合产量最高,为54 850 kg/hm2,较对照无垄平作增产32.6%;单株块茎重最重、单株块茎数最多,大薯率最高,为70.7%。综合考虑认为,在定西旱作区马铃薯生产中,宜选用光-生物降解膜进行大垄微沟覆膜种植模式。
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A comparative experiment was conducted on different potato planting modes in dingxi dryland area using photodegradable film with Qingshu 9 as the indicator variety. The results showed that the potato yield was 54 850 kg/hm2 with large ridge and micro-furrow mulching, which increased by 32.6% compared with the control. The tuber weight per plant was the highest, the number of tubers per plant was the most and the yield of big potato was the highest(70.7%). It is suggested that photobiodegradable film should be used in large ridge and micro-furrow planting mode for potato production in Dingxi Dryland Area.