为了确定藜麦在白银市种植的适宜密度,以品种银藜1号为试验材料,采用方差分析和处理间多重比较差异显著性分析,试验观察了不同定植密度对藜麦生育期、主要性状以及产量的影响。结果表明,定植密度为株距40 cm、行距50 cm时,银藜1号的性状、产量表现最好,折合产量为1 791.67 kg/hm2,建议推广应用。
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To determine the optimum plant density for buckwheat production in Baiyin. Yinli No.1 was used as the material to test the effects of different plant densities on the growth period, main traits and yields of buckwheat. With ANOVA analysis and multiple comparison, results showed that optimum traits and yield were obtained for Yinli No. 1 at a plant density with a row space of 40 cm and row pitch of 50 cm, in which the average yield was 1 792.80 kg/ha, this plant density ought to be promoted.
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