为延长临泽小枣鲜果市场供应期。以临泽小枣为试验材料,采用正交试验方法,在常温(20~25 ℃)条件下,研究不同浓度的氯化钙、植酸、柠檬酸复配保鲜剂组合以及壳聚糖涂膜处理对贮藏临泽小枣果实品质的影响。结果表明,采后用复配保鲜剂组合1% CaCl2 + 0.3% 植酸 + 3% 柠檬酸处理能有效减少临泽小枣烂果率,并延缓有机酸、TSS、Vc含量下降,为最佳复配保鲜剂组合;而用1% 壳聚糖制成涂膜处理则具有更好的保鲜效果,能够显著降低烂果率,保持果实硬度,并延缓TSS和Vc含量下降。综合分析,使用1%壳聚糖制成涂膜处理对临泽小枣的保鲜效果最佳。
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In order to extend the market supply period of Linze jujube, using Linze jujube as experimental materials, effects of combinations of different concentrations of calcium chloride, phytic acid, citric acid and chitosan coating treatments on the quality of stored Linze jujube were studied at room temperature(20 to 25 ℃). The results showed that the compound preservative treatment of 1% CaCl2 plus 0.3% phytic acid plus 3% citric acid could effectively decrease the rotten fruit rate and delay the decline of the contents of TSS, organic acid and Vc which was considered as the optimum compound preservative treatment, whereas 1% chitosan coating treatment had better fresh-keeping effect which could significantly decrease the rotten fruit rate, maintain fruit hardness, and delay the decrease of TSS and Vc contents. Comprehensively analysis showed that 1% chitosan coating treatment had the best fresh-keeing effect for Linze jujube.