为解决我国干旱半干旱地区小麦生产“旱、寒、多病”等问题,创制适应逆境环境的“抗旱节水、耐冻抗病、高产优质”兼容性的小麦品种,以平凉43号为母本、中41-42为父本杂交,经水旱交替胁迫、多点穿梭,选育出冬小麦品种陇麦671。在2018 — 2020年进行的甘肃省陇东片冬小麦区域试验中,该品种2 a 13点(次)平均折合产量为4 981.5 kg/hm2,较统一对照品种陇育4号增产12.2%;在2020 — 2021年度进行的甘肃省陇东片冬小麦生产试验中,平均折合产量为6 889.5 kg/hm2,较统一对照品种陇育4号增产22.4%。陇麦671具有高产优质、抗旱节水、抗病耐冻、矮秆抗倒等优良特性,该品种株高85.2 cm,穗粒数33.4粒,千粒重33.0 g,容重789~802 g/L,抗旱指数0.975;籽粒含粗蛋白(干基)162.0 g/kg、赖氨酸(干基)3.6 g/kg、湿面筋(14%水分基)374.0 g/kg,沉淀值(14%水分基)44.0 mL。适宜在甘肃省陇东地区旱塬地、川台地及周边同类地区种植。
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To address the issues of drought, cold, and disease in wheat production in China's arid and semi-arid regions, a compatible wheat variety named Longmai 671 was bred. This variety combines drought resistance, water conservation, cold resistance, disease resistance, high yield, and superior quality. It was developed by crossing Pingliang 43 as the female parent with Zhong 41-42 as the male parent, using alternating water and drought stress and multi-location shuttle breeding. In the 2018 to 2020 regional experiment in the eastern Gansu winter wheat zone, Longmai 671 had an average yield of 4 981.5 kg/ha, which was 12.2% higher than the control variety Longyu 4. In the 2020 to 2021 production experiment, it had an average yield of 6 889.5 kg/ha, 22.4% higher than Longyu 4. Longmai 671 is characterized by high yield, superior quality, drought resistance, water conservation, disease resistance, cold tolerance, dwarf stalk, and lodging resistance. The variety has a plant height of 85.2 cm, 33.4 grains per spike, a thousand-grain weight of 33.0 g, a bulk density of 789 to 802 g/L, and a drought index of 0.975. The grain contains 162.0 g/kg of crude protein (dry basis), 3.6 g/kg of lysine (dry basis), 374.0 g/kg of wet gluten (14% moisture basis), and a sedimentation value of 44.0 mL(14% moisture basis). It is suitable for planting in the dryland and river terrace areas of eastern Gansu and similar regions.