谷子作为我国北方地区的特色作物之一,多数育种方式仍采用常规育种结合少数分子辅助选择育种,构建指纹图谱是分子育种中组成部分,对于品种特征标识和真实性鉴定有着重要的意义。陇谷23号是豫谷1号×陇谷7号杂交后代经系统选育的优质、丰产谷子新品种。2020年参加全国区域试验西北春谷早熟区组的区域适应性联合鉴定试验,7个试点平均折合产量为5 446.0 kg/hm2,增产点率为57.14%。在2020年参加的甘肃省谷子生产试验中,8点(次)均表现增产,平均折合产量为4 537.5 kg/hm2,较对照品种豫谷18号增产2.08%~36.84%。籽粒含粗蛋白(干基)125.7 g/kg、粗脂肪(干基)38.2 g/kg、粗淀粉(干基)794.5 g/kg、赖氨酸(干基)1.8 g/kg、支链淀粉(占淀粉)784 g/kg。抗谷锈病、黑穗病,中抗谷瘟病、白发病和玉米螟,适宜在甘肃中东部、山西大同、陕西榆林、宁夏固原及内蒙古呼和浩特等西北春谷区种植。利用(豫谷1号×陇谷7号)F2、RIL群体构建的连锁图谱中的74对多态性SSR标记绘制了陇谷23号9条染色体的指纹图谱,其中49对SSR与豫谷1号基因型相同、25对SSR与陇谷7号基因型相同,表明陇谷23号携带更多豫谷1号基因组组分。
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Millet, as one of the characteristic crops in northern China, mostly utilizes conventional breeding methods combined with a few molecular-assisted selection techniques. Constructing a fingerprint map is a key component of molecular breeding, which is significant for variety identification and authenticity verification. Longgu 23, a new foxtail millet variety with high quality, and high yield, were bred through sexual hybridization between Yugu 1 and Longgu 7. In 2020, the average yield of Longgu 23 was 5 446.0 kg/ha in seven pilot areas of the joint national identification experiment for the early maturing area of northwest spring millet with a yield increase rate of 57.14%. During the millet production experiments in Gansu Province in 2020, it demonstrated yield increases at all 8 points with an average yield of 4 537.5 kg/ha, which was an increase of 2.08% to 36.84% compared to the control variety Yugu 18. The contents of crude protein(dry basis), ether extract(dry basis), crude starch(dry basis), lysine(dry basis), and amylopectin (accounting for starch) were 125.7 g/kg, 38.2 g/kg, 794.5 g/kg, 1.8 g/kg and 784 g/kg, respectively. It is resistant to grain rust and smut, moderately resistant to grain blast, white hair disease, and corn borer, and is suitable for planting in northwestern spring sowing areas such as central and eastern Gansu, Datong in Shanxi, Yulin in Shaanxi, Guyuan in Ningxia, and Hohhot in Inner Mongolia. In addition, 74 pairs of polymorphic SSR markers in the linkage map constructed by the F2 and RIL populations from Yugu 1 × Longgu 7 was used to map the 9 chromosomes of Longgu 23. Among them, 49 pairs of SSR genotypes came from Yugu 1 and 25 pairs of SSR genotypes were same to Longgu 7, indicating that Longgu 23 carries more components of the Yugu 1 genome. This fingerprint provides a molecular basis for the authenticity identification of Longgu 23.