通过特色礼品型西瓜新品种的引种比较试验,筛选出适宜文县当地种植的特色礼品型西瓜栽培品种,从而增加文县农民收入和丰富当地特色礼品型西瓜上市种类。对引进的10个特色礼品西瓜新品种进行了引种筛选试验,结果表明,引进的10份特色礼品西瓜新品种在当地均可正常成熟,其中以然龙金霸王表现最好,综合性状表现优良,折合产量最高,为51 851.9 kg/hm2,较对照品种宝冠增产31.6%;产值最高,为207 407.6 元/hm2,较对照品种宝冠增加49 778.0元/hm2;中心可溶性固形物含量较高,抗白粉病性强。然龙黑黄金F1表现较好,综合性状也表现优良,折合产量较高,为43 555.6 kg/hm2,较对照品种宝冠增产10.5%;产值为174 222.4元/hm2,较对照品种宝冠增加16 592.8元/hm2;中心可溶性固形物含量较高,抗白粉病性较强。由此可见,然龙金霸王、然龙黑黄金F1田间综合表现更好,产量和产值高,品质优良,抗病性较强,适合在当地进一步扩大示范种植。
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Through a comparative introduction and selection experiment, the suitable varieties for local cultivation offeatured gift watermelonsin Wenxian were selected, which would help increase farmers' income and diversify the types of featured gift watermelons available in the market. A selection experiment was conducted on 10 new varieties of featured gift watermelons, with results showing that all 10 varieties were able to mature normally in the local conditions. Among them, the Ranlongjinbawang variety performed the best, showing excellent overall traits, with the highest yield of 51,851.9 kg/ha, a 31.6% increase compared to the Baoguan variety(CK), the highest market value of 207,407.6 Yuan/ha, which was 49,778.0 Yuan/ha higher than Baoguan(CK), and higher soluble solid content in the center, and strong resistance to powdery mildew. The Ranlongheihuangjin F1 variety also performed well, with excellent overall traits, a yield of 43,555.6 kg/ha, a 10.5% increase over Baoguan(CK), a market value of 174,222.4 Yuan/ha, 16,592.8 Yuan/ha higher than Baoguan (CK), higher soluble solid content in the center, and strong resistance to powdery mildew. Therefore, the Ranlongjinbawang and Ranlongheihuangjin F1 varieties demonstrated ideal overall field performance, with high yields, strong market value, excellent quality, and strong disease resistance, making them suitable for further demonstration planting in the region.