为探索黄土高原半干旱区低产田春玉米的最优施肥模式和方法,在有机肥、化肥、有机肥与无机肥配施等不同施肥条件下,对春玉米的病虫害发生情况、产量及经济效益开展了研究分析。结果表明,有机无机肥配施能够减轻玉米病虫害发生,促进植株生长。各施肥处理均能有效提高玉米产量,增产15.28%~85.45%,其中以复合施肥(羊粪+化肥+硫酸亚铁+腐殖酸+生物菌肥)处理折合产量最高,为12 497.4 kg/hm2,较不施肥处理增产85.45%;羊粪+商品有机肥+化肥配施次之,折合产量11 830.4 kg/hm2,较不施肥处理增产75.55%。羊粪配施化肥处理纯收益最高,较不施肥处理和单施化肥处理分别增加了5 360.6、3 029.6元/hm2。综合考虑产量和经济效益,表现较优的施肥方式是羊粪配施化肥、羊粪+商品有机肥+化肥配施、复合施肥(羊粪+化肥+硫酸亚铁+腐殖酸+生物菌肥),在低产田改良上的保粮增收效果明显。
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In order to explore the optimal fertilization mode and method for spring maize in low-yield fields in semi-arid area on the Loess Plateau, the occurrence of diseases and pests, yield and economic benefit of spring maize were studied under different fertilization treatments such as organic fertilizer, chemical fertilizer, organic and inorganic combined application. Results showed that the combined application of organic-inorganic fertilizer could reduce the occurrence of maize pests and diseases and promote plant growth. All fertilization treatments could effectively increase the maize yield with yield increases ranging from 15.28% to 85.45%. Among them, the compound fertilization treatment(sheep manure + chemical fertilizer + ferrous sulfate + humic acid + biological fertilizer) had the highest average yield of 12,497.4 kg/ha, an increase of 85.45% compared to the non-fertilized treatment. Sheep manure + commercial organic fertilizer + chemical fertilizer combination was the second, with an average yield of 11,830.4 kg/ha, an increase of 75.55% compared to the non-fertilized treatment. The net benefit of sheep manure combined with fertilizer treatment was the highest, which increased by 5,360.6 and 3,029.6 Yuan/ha compared to the non-fertilized and chemical fertilizer-only treatments, respectively. Comprehensive consideration from the yield and economic benefits, the optimal fertilization methods were sheep manure with chemical fertilizers, sheep manure + commercial organic fertilizer + chemical fertilizers, and compound fertilization (sheep manure + chemical fertilizers + ferrous sulfate + humic acid + biofertilizer), all of which demonstrated significant effects on improving grain yield and economic benefit in low-yield fields.