通过选育适宜武威市天祝藏族自治县种植的藜麦新品系,为天祝县藜麦品系选育和拓宽农民增收渠道提供数据参考。以陇藜1号、陇藜5号为对照,对5个藜麦新品系在天祝地区的生长、产量及品质进行对比分析。结果表明,5个藜麦品系均能正常成熟,生育期为130~139 d。株高、茎粗、穗形、叶片形状、籽粒颜色等性状各品种(系)间存在不同程度的差异。其中2068-10、2068-12、2068-13的生育期(130、134、139 d)、株高(177.0、200.0、169.6 cm)、茎粗(17.3、16.3、16.3 mm)、千粒重(3.42、3.36、3.68 g)均具有明显的品种优质特性。藜麦折合产量以2068-13最高,为5 090.55 kg/hm2,较对照品种陇藜1号增产20.90%、陇藜5号增产135.10%;2068-10折合产量为4 694.55 kg/hm2,较对照品种陇藜1号增产11.50%、陇藜5号增产116.81%。对品质进行分析发现,2068-10水分和粗脂肪含量最高,2068-12蛋白质和粗纤维含量最高,2068-13粗纤维含量较高。综上所述,2068-10、2068-12、2068-13在武威市天祝藏族自治县的表现良好,可在该区域及其他类似生态区推广种植。
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This study aimed to breed suitable quinoa varieties for cultivation in Tianzhu Zangzu Autonomous County of Wuwei City, providing data for the selection of quinoa varieties in Tianzhu and expanding income channels for farmers. Using Longli 1 and Longli 5 as controls, the growth, yield, and quality of 5 new quinoa varieties in the Tianzhu area were compared and analyzed. Results indicated that all 5 quinoa varieties could mature normally, with a growth period ranging from 130 to 139 days.There were varying degrees of differences in characters such as plant height, stem diameter, ear shape, leaf shape, and seed color among the different varieties. Among them, 2068-10, 2068-12, and 2068-13 had distinct superior characteristics with growth periods (130, 134, 139 days), plant heights (177.0, 200.0, 169.6 cm), stem diameters (17.3, 16.3, 16.3 mm), and 1000-grain weights (3.42, 3.36, 3.68 g) performed ideally. The quinoa variety 2068-13 showed the highest yield of 5 090.55 kg/ha, an increase of 20.9% over the control variety Longli 1 and an increase of 135.1% over Longli 5. The yield of 2068-10 was 4694.55 kg/ha, showing an increase of 11.50% over Longli 1 and 116.81% over Longli 5. Analysis of quality revealed that 2068-10 had the highest moisture and ether extract contents, 2068-12 had the highest protein and crude fiber contents, and 2068-13 had relatively high crude fiber content. In conclusion, 2068-10, 2068-12, and 2068-13 perform well in Tianzhu Zangzu Autonomous County, Wuwei City, and could be promoted for cultivation in this region and other similar ecological zones.