通过探讨树脂类高分子保水剂在园林绿地中的保水效果,为兰州市城市绿化和南北两山绿化提供技术支持。以园林绿地中广泛应用的小灌木、宿根类花卉、草花类及草坪类植物为研究对象,研究了施入保水剂150 kg/hm2与磷酸氢二铵450 kg/hm2后对园林植物生长状况、土壤含水量、叶片相对含水量、相对水分亏缺、叶片持水率和叶片相对电导率的影响。结果表明,施入保水剂后,植物长势强健,抗逆性增强。草花类花卉冠幅明显增大,平均单株花量增多;草坪萌发早、成坪快;小灌木类枝条健壮、株高增加明显;宿根类花卉繁殖的芽数量明显增多。随着控水时间的延长,与不施保水剂处理相比,施入保水剂的土壤含水量增加14.87%~36.85%;叶片相对含水量(RWC)均有所增加,尤其是草本类植物百日草、观赏草表现比较明显,分别增加6.19、7.20个百分点;干旱胁迫下小灌木丰花月季叶片持水率下降明显,达9.86个百分点,宿根花卉金娃娃萱草略低于小灌木丰花月季;小灌木金叶女贞的电导率增幅达25.01%,草本类植物百日草增幅仅10.02%。说明土壤中施入保水剂150 kg/hm2与磷酸氢二铵450 kg/hm2有利于植物生长发育,可提高植物抗旱能力和土壤含水量,减缓干旱胁迫对植物组织的损害和植物叶片细胞膜受伤害的程度,草坪类植物较为明显。
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By exploring the water retention effect of resin-based polymer water-retaining agents in garden green spaces, technical support is provided for the urban greening of Lanzhou City and the greening of the northern and southern mountains. Taking the widely used small shrubs, perennial root flowers, herbaceous flowers, and lawn plants in garden green spaces as the research objects, the influences of applying 150 kg/ha of water-retaining agent and 450 kg/ha of diammonium hydrogen phosphate on the growth status of garden plants, soil moisture content, leaf relative moisture content, relative water deficit, leaf water holding rate, and leaf relative conductivity were studied. Results showed that after the application of water-retaining agents, the plants growed vigorously and their stress resistance was enhanced. The crown width of herbaceous flower species increased significantly, and the average number of flowers per plant increased. The lawn germinated early and formed quickly. The branches of small shrubs were robust and the plant height increased significantly. The number of buds propagated by perennial root flowers increased significantly. With the extension of water control time, compared with the treatment without water-retaining agent, the soil moisture content with the application of water-retaining agent increased by 14.87% to 36.85%, the leaf relative moisture content (RWC) increased in all cases, especially for the herbaceous plants Zinnia elegans and ornamental grass, which increased by 6.19 and 7.20 percentage points, respectively. Under drought stress, the leaf water holding rate of the small shrub Rosa floribunda decreased significantly by 9.86 percentage points, and the Hemerocallis fulva of perennial root flowers was slightly lower than that of Rosa floribunda. The conductivity increased of the small shrub Ligustrum vicaryi was 25.01%, and the increase of the herbaceous plant Zinnia elegans was only 10.02%. It is indicated that the application of 150 kg/ha of water-retaining agent and 450 kg/ha of diammonium hydrogen phosphate in the soil is conducive to the growth and development of plants, can improve the drought resistance of plants and soil moisture content, alleviate the damage to plant tissues caused by drought stress and the degree of damage to plant leaf cell membranes, and the effect is more obvious in lawn plants.