异常天气条件对农作物生长发育有巨大的影响,通过对2021年平罗县主要粮食作物生长期间异常天气气象资料进行对比分析,为平罗县开展农业气象服务提供参考。利用2021年2 — 9月气温、降水、日照等气象观测数据资料,与历年值(1991 — 2020年)进行对比,对春播期气温异常偏高、3月首场透雨、7月持续极端高温以及夏季降水异常偏少等异常天气条件对小麦、玉米、水稻、大豆生产的不利影响进行分析。结果表明,2021年小麦播种期气温高,小麦播种面积较计划显著减少;玉米抽雄开花期持续高温叠加气象干旱促使病虫害大面积发生,造成减产;首场透雨影响水稻播种,播后刮风天气多出现漂秧,早熟品种扬花期高温使得受精不良,空秕率增加,影响产量;大豆花期高温影响授粉,干旱少雨影响结荚,气温低影响鼓粒期灌浆,产量明显低于2020年。
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Abnormal weather conditions have a significant impact on crop growth and development. This study compared and analyzed meteorological data of abnormal weather conditions during the growth period of grain crops in Pingluo County in 2021, providing a reference for agricultural meteorological services in the county. By using temperature, precipitation, and sunshine data from February to September 2021 and comparing them with historical values(1991 to 2020), this paper elaborated on the adverse effects of weather conditions such as abnormally high temperature during the spring sowing period, the first soaking rain in March, sustained extreme high temperatures in July, and abnormally low summer precipitation on wheat, corn, rice and soybean production. The results showed that the high temperature during the wheat sowing period in 2021 significantly reduced the wheat sowing area compared to the plan. The continuous high temperature and meteorological drought during the flowering period of maize promoted the widespread occurrence of diseases and pests, resulting in reduced yields. The first soaking rain affected rice sowing, with windy weather after sowing causing seedling drift. The high temperature during the flowering period of early maturing varieties caused poor fertilization, increased empty blight rate, and affected yield. High temperature at soybean flowering stage affected pollination, drought and low rainfall affected pod setting, and low temperature affected filling at grain filling stage, resulting in yields significantly lower than that in 2020.