为有效利用滇牡丹资源,加快牡丹性状改良,自2016年开始,分别从滇牡丹原产地香格里拉和驯化地甘肃榆中引种滇牡丹种子和种苗,在山东菏泽进行了栽培试验和杂交育种工作。结果发现,从香格里拉引进的滇牡丹种子和种苗,栽培1~2 a后全部死亡,从榆中县引种的种子播种苗成活率为30%。2018年榆中引进的2年生和5年生苗栽植1 a后的成活率分别达85.5%、68.0%,2022年的成活率分别为2.7%、8.0%。以滇牡丹为母本,以牡丹栽培品种混合花粉为父本进行杂交,获得7株杂交后代;以滇牡丹为母本,以牡丹栽培品种岛锦为父本进行杂交,获得2株杂交后代;滇牡丹作父本的杂交组合均未获得杂交后代。本研究将滇牡丹成功引种到菏泽,丰富了菏泽的滇牡丹基因资源,为培育菏泽含有滇牡丹基因的系列牡丹、芍药栽培品种,提升牡丹育种水平,促进中国牡丹产业发展提供技术支撑。
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To effectively utilize the germplasm resource of P. delavayi and accelerate trait improvement in peony breeding, seeds and seedlings of P. delavayi were introduced from its provenance Shangri-La and domestication area Yuzhong, Gansu. Subsequently, they were cultivated, observed and utilized for crossbreeding. The results showed that the seeds and seedlings introduced from Shangri-La all died after 1 to 2 years of cultivation, while the seedling survival rate of seeds introduced from Yuzhong County was 30%. After 1 year of planting, the survival rates of 2-year-old and 5-year-old seedlings introduced from Yuzhong in 2018 reached 85.5% and 68.0%, respectively, while in 2022, the survival rates dropped to 2.7% and 8.0%, respectively. Crossbreeding was carried out using P. delavayi as the female parent and mixed pollen from cultivated peony varieties as the male parent, resulting in 7 hybrid offspring. Using P. delavayi as the female parent and the cultivated peony variety Daojin as the male parent, 2 hybrid offspring were obtained. No hybrid offspring were obtained when P. delavayi was used as pollen parent. This study successfully introduced P. delavayi into Heze, enriching the genetic resources of P. delavayi in Heze and providing technical support for the breeding of peony and herbaceous peony varieties containing genes of P. delavayi, improving the level of peony breeding, and promoting the development of the peony industry in China.