[Key word]
Tomato leaf miner[Tuta absoluta(Meyrick)] was invasive pest of great harm introduced into Gansu Province in recent years. In order to explore the differences in insect resistance of different tomato cultivars to Tuta absoluta (Meyrick) and screen resistance genes, 14 tomato varieties were planted in closed greenhouses in the field according to the orthogonal Latin square I. When tomato plants developed to the growth stage, adults and pupae of Tuta absoluta were evenly placed in the greenhouse for artificial natural insect infection, then to investigate the damage of Tuta absoluta in different varieties. Results showed that only Xiaohuanghou and Qinshuxianzi both showed some resistance(R) to Tuta absoluta, their pest damage indexes were lower than 25%, their fruit-boring rates were lower than 20%, the pest resistances of other tomato varieties were weak, and all of them showed susceptibility (S) or high susceptibility (HS).